Best Fruit in the World to Eat

The best fruit in the world can be anything edible, as long as it has high levels of fiber, is easily available, and has zero cholesterol. Some of the best fruits also have a lot of health benefits, including a boost to your memory and being low in calories. Here’s a ranking of the world’s most delicious fruits. Vote for your favorite fruit or add your own favorite. We’ve included avocados, figs, watermelon, and more.


When it comes to healthy fat, avocados are a top contender. While they are relatively high in calories, a half-cup of avocado contains only 114 calories. Most of the fat in avocados is healthy monounsaturated fat, which can lower LDL cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. They also contain a range of vitamins and minerals. Avocados are also a great source of fiber and contain only a small amount of sodium.

Avocados are not only delicious but also healthy. They are an excellent source of fiber, protein, and other essential nutrients. Avocados have a rich, buttery flavor, and are high in healthy fats and fiber. They are also an excellent source of folate and vitamin B. It’s not surprising that avocados are so versatile in food preparation. Avocados can even be used as a substitute for butter in baking and soup recipes.


Mangoes are packed with vitamin C, which is beneficial for your immunity. They also contain antioxidants, which delay the effects of free radicals, which can damage cells and cause diseases such as cancer. The fiber and potassium in mangoes help lower your risk of heart disease and help control your blood pressure. The vitamin A and C content of mangoes is also beneficial for your health. This is why mangoes are considered the Best Fruit in the World to Eat

Mangoes are available year-round in many parts of the world, but their peak season is during the hot summer months. Mangoes were first introduced to south Florida over 200 years ago, and today, they are a central part of summer culture in the Keys. Neighbors share mangoes from their backyard trees, and South Florida grandmas bake mango breads. It is a delicious and healthy treat!


Figs are a delicious treat with a mildly sweet taste and a notably sweet aroma. Often eaten dried, figs are also suitable for eating fresh. To select the perfect fit, make sure the rind is smooth and the flesh is free of deep bruises or rips. Moreover, avoid figs that have a moldy or rotten smell. Figs come in a variety of colors, ranging from green to brown and deep purple.

While figs are delicious eaten fresh or cooked, the flavor and texture will vary according to variety. The Turkish variety is particularly outstanding when eaten fresh. The large, smooth Turkish fig fruit splits in half when ripe and imparts a sweet, butterscotch flavor, while the seeds lend nuttiness. Even supermarket-bought figs are edible, if slightly overripe. You can grill them to bring out their holiday zing.


The health benefits of watermelon are numerous, but one of the most notable is its lycopene content. This nutrient is an excellent source of vitamin C, as well as other antioxidants such as niacin. Phytonutrients in this fruit include cucurbitacin E, a triterpene anti-inflammatory phytonutrient, and citrulline, a lycopene-rich molecule. This fruit is also a good source of vitamin B1, magnesium, potassium, copper, and biotin.

Watermelon can be eaten as a snack. You can prepare a salsa from chopped watermelon, cucumber, red onion, and jalapeno. Alternatively, you can make a smoothie by blending watermelon with coconut milk and chopped dark chocolate. You can also make watermelon popsicles using the seedless variety. Despite its health benefits, watermelon is best consumed in its natural form, but remember to consult a physician if you have any allergies or are taking any medication.